John Smith

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Mary Lindsay
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John Smith

Post by Mary Lindsay »

It is with great sadness that I have to report that my dear brother John Smith passed away this evening.
He was a wonderful brother and a good friend and will be much missed by all who were fortunate to know him.
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Bob Bull
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Re: John Smith

Post by Bob Bull »

Mary, I did not know John, but reading your stories of the Willhire gave a sense of a just what a decent chap he was, and that he must have been judging by the way he was always there to help his sister. May he rest in peace.


Ace Photograp…… you know!
machiel kalf
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Re: John Smith

Post by machiel kalf »

Dear Mary, John, John jr and Kate,

What a sad message........... I remember him as the man who was famous because of the Moss-box repairs. Especially this time of the year....... you will never forget it.

We wish you all the very best. Take care, Machiel & Ingrid Kalf.
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: John Smith

Post by Mary Lindsay »

Smudge's funeral will be at 12.30pm on 20th January at Colchester Crematorium. We will not be having a gathering afterwards as we do not yet know how COVID restrictions might affect us all and we do not wish to risk it.
It will be streamed online for those who cannot attend but would like to be there in spirit. Details of how to access that will be given to friends who contact either me or Sue.
It will be family flowers only but donations may be made to Border Terrier Welfare, a charity that meant a great deal to Smudge as rescue borders were always a big part of his life. Details of that will be available in due course.
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: John Smith

Post by Mary Lindsay »

I now have the details of how to logon to the webcast of the funeral. If anyone would like them please PM me.
It will be a positive celebration of Smudge's remarkable life and anyone who plans to come along please wear something bright if you are comfortable with that.

Some of us will go in a Morgan so if you have a Morgan or other unconventional transport currently on the road please bring it along.

Border Terrier Welfare is a charity that meant a great deal to him.
Donations may be made to “Border Terrier Welfare”
Sort code 40-08-21, a/c no. 81292137, Reference: John Smith
Payments can also be made through their website:
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: John Smith

Post by Mary Lindsay »

Thank you to everyone who came along to Smudge's funeral on Thursday, it was a positive celebration of the life of a remarkable, much loved and highly respected man.
Morgans were well represented all with hoods down despite the chilly weather and there were a couple of lovely vintage cars too.
We had a selection of the music Smudge loved including Boogie Woogie Stomp by Ben Waters, Rock and Roll Music by Chuck Berry and Joe Avery's Blues by Monty Sunshine's Jazz Band.
Thanks to Glen, Graham and Paul we also had a recording of Empress, Smudge's traction engine, made specially for the occasion.
If anyone would like to view it again you will be able to logon early next week, just ask me for login details.
Thank you too for donating to Border Terrier Welfare.
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: John Smith

Post by Mary Lindsay »

I have a few copies of the order of service left and it contains some nice photos of Smudge. If anyone would like me to send them a copy just let me know by email or PM and give me a postal address.
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: John Smith

Post by Mary Lindsay »

On Sunday 15th May we are holding a "Smudge Appreciation Day" with engines in steam, Morgans and other interesting cars.
It will be at The White House in Ardleigh, open house all day.
Sue has organised a hog roast and there will be assorted refreshments.
All friends of Smudge are very welcome.
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