+4 Super Sport, high line body

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Eddie Singleton
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+4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by Eddie Singleton »

Perhaps a slightly obscure question, but here goes :-

With reference to the high line SS, was there a recognised standard fixing for the carburettor bonnet scoop. For example was it welded to the main bonnet along its top edge or was it fixed by bolts or rivets.

I am just interested to know as I have seen different versions and in my mind brings into question ‘originality’.

Many thanks,

Eddie Singleton.
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Mark Shears
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Re: +4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by Mark Shears »

Hi Eddie,

Simon King is the best qualified to answer this as he has an original high line racing Super Sports.

You are absolutely right in that the bonnet scoop in a high line Super Sports is completely different to a low line Super Sports.

It was rivetted along the top edge where it meets the bonnet half - not welded (or bolted).

By the way did I see that Robin has sold my old drophead coupe through Mathewsons auctions recently...?


Eddie Singleton
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Re: +4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by Eddie Singleton »

Hi Mark,

Good to hear from you and trust all is well.

I have a number of photos of high line SS cars, mainly from the Centenary event, but none are quite close enough to clearly identify the scoop fitting. As you say, and from the images I have, I am inclined to agree, riveting was the standard method of fitting and in all probability provided the neatest finish.

Well that was a good spot, you must have been on auction watch !!

I have checked the car at Matthewsons together with the registration and it is/was the car belonging to my brother. Any view on the vehicle and price ?

All the best,

larry emrick
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Re: +4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by larry emrick »

Hi All:
The discussion about SS scoop attachment re-ignited a query that has mildly interested me for years (I know, I don't get out much)? What was the reason for the reversed-wire on the rear of some SS bonnets? I have read about it but only seen one, many years ago, and now can't remember whether it was on a high or low-line.
Thanks, Larry.
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Mark Shears
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Re: +4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by Mark Shears »

Hi Eddie,

All good thank you and trust the same goes for you too...?!

Your brother's drophead was lovely and beautifully restored.

I don't know whether the published price is the hammer price or whether commission has to be added to it?

Either way it was a wonderful buy for someone - sadly not me as I didn't know Robin was going to sell it at auction through Mathewsons.

In answer to Larry - I too have only seen it on highline cars. For instance Choc Ices which I raced with its owner Simon Gurney for several years.

This was not a Super Sports - but was Chris Lawrences' first customer Lawrencetune race car.


Robin Singleton
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Re: +4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by Robin Singleton »


Yes, the Coupe was sold recently….inquired about several options beforehand, but too many timewasters

Got a very good deal from Mathewsons, and car sold at drop of hammer.
I’m about to advertise a number of spares shortly, so watch this space.
Also am toying with selling my Super Sports in the spring…..now owned for over 50 years, and just over 30000 genuine miles on the clock.
All depends on progress with next project.

Best wishes

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Mark Shears
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Re: +4 Super Sport, high line body

Post by Mark Shears »

Hi Robin,

Keep me in the loop with your spares - I haven't forgotten about those engine blocks but had lost storage space.

However I am now in the process of moving in to new shortly so will be back in touch...


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