missing trophies

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peter rafter
Posts: 874
Joined: Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:37 pm

missing trophies

Post by peter rafter »

On first inspection it was most gratifying to be the recipient of a message from our venerable Chairperson regarding missing race trophies. After an agonisingly fruitless search of my overly large trophy cabinet the realisation dawned belatedly that this might have been a round- robin and sent to all and sundry and not because it was presumed that I was the custodian of one or all of said trophies. However, take note and be aware that there is a long history in other realms of such precious baubles being melted down and lost to posterity forever. Or even surfacing many decades later in a dusty garage hoarding. Some even appear at those nefarious and ubiquitous car boot sales.
If I had ever had the ultimate good fortune or even that blessed natural gift to have been able to win one, or even all of these much valued and coveted prizes, it would have generated great rejoicing, feasts, bonfires, music and revelry, even festivities with colourful bunting on the village green.
Such memories would never fade, and surely as night follows day ensuing race victories would have flowed like rivers. Not for me the secreting under the mattress or hidden in a dark corner.To be able to display them and recount, with only marginal extemporisation, to family, admirers, unbelievers and long lost descendants of great feats and valiant heroics against all odds and ill fortune, oh what happy hour!. I would have displayed them ostentatiously, kept them burnished and polished surrounded with wax candles in a state of perpetual light.
Tis a great pity. But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
Contrary to popular belief the cupboard was not entirely bare. Nestled therein but shrouded in a magnificent spider web lay a prize above all, namely the scratch handicap trophy from Donington many moons past. Prized because the others were team trophies (nota bene the use of the plural). Perhaps I should explain that the overlaly large trophy cabinet refers to its size and not the number of its contents.
Speaking of spiders I take my hat off and bend the knee to he that resides behind the wing mirror on my day car and his diligence. Through numerous car washes and blasts with the pressure hose he never fails to reappear the next day.
Prized above all, possibly as the Challenge handicap platter came inscribed "Donnington" (sic).
Hopefully and with good luck and a fair wind I will see you all at the drivers meeting
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