LMC 2020 Morgan 4-4 Entries

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Moderator: John Clarke

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John Clarke
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LMC 2020 Morgan 4-4 Entries

Post by John Clarke »

Four Series 1 Morgans have been accepted to Le Mans Classic 2020


In addition to the above three Morgans, they are joined by Adrian's very special Morgan.


The entry list is below


I am unaware of any other racing Series 1's so don't expect to see any more.

Again, should be a bumper year for Morgan.

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John Clarke
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Re: LMC 2020 Morgan 4-4 Entries

Post by John Clarke »


Great shame but the inevitable has happened.

LMC 2020 is cancelled


There will be a new LMC in July 2021 to look forward to and cars entered for 2020 can carry forward their entry......but will the cars and drivers still be running in 15 months time??

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