New Morgan Book Celebrates 75th Anniversary

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Moderator: John Clarke

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John Clarke
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New Morgan Book Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Post by John Clarke »


Please see more details about this book and how to order under the For Sale section of brakehorsepower.
Peter Horsman
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Re: New Morgan Book Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Post by Peter Horsman »

I'd like to say how much I am looking forward to assimilating his huge work of authority written by John C Clarke, who is in fact related to Arthur C Clarke though in fact Arthur was rather too modest to acknowledge this fact. The sadness is that Arthur did not own any fine Morgan motor vehicle at all, unlike his relation John who owns and treasures quite a few. If only Arthur had an eye to the future of British motor car manufacturers, who knows what sort of a collection he might have accumulated? It's a little known fact that 2001 A Space Odyessy was published in the same year as the Morgan Plus 8 was released. This surely cannot be mere coincidence. But nevertheless, I am told that #2001 A Morgan Odyssey is trending right now.
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John Clarke
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Re: New Morgan Book Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Post by John Clarke »

PETER !!!!
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Bob Bull
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Re: New Morgan Book Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Post by Bob Bull »

Peter, I believe you should seriously consider expanding on your theme, it all sounds terribly fascinating, and a lot more interesting than yet another book on Morgans. No matter how distinguished the author.

Was Arthur father, brother, mother, or just some distant relation? Maybe a visitor from the stars?

Sadly I have already committed to purchasing a copy of the Morgan tome, but could probably scrape another twenty quid or so if you decide to publish.

I await with breath bated for your next instalment.

Bob Non-Morgan Owner.

PS; I shall look you up on the weekend.
Ace Photograp…… you know!
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Bob Bull
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Re: New Morgan Book Celebrates 75th Anniversary

Post by Bob Bull »

With the best will in the World John would never make it as a Spiv, flogging hooky gear on a street corner!

He definitely needs to brush up on his salesman skills, having said that it is a very nice book, and will fill a space in my bookcase quite nicely. I might even get round to reading it once I have finished Pride and Prejudice.

Thanks John, when is the Editione La Francais appearing?
Ace Photograp…… you know!
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