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Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:05 pm
by Richard Smith
I am now totting the points up, and am a tad sad that the Quarter Century Cup might gather dust under my bed.
To be considered for this, three out of chassis, tub, bodywork, engine,gearbox and rear axle must be original (you might get away with being replaced with a part of a similar vintage)

How old is you car? There might be silverware in it for you!

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:18 pm
by Jim Mountain
Richard, put me in for it, everything on the 4/4 (1972) is original apart from the engine, (but still a x/flow) and the paint (was sick yellow :-& )

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:23 pm
by Barry Sumner
Nothing wrong with - Yellow - Jim - it gets noticed and it photo's brilliantly even when dirty

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:45 pm
by martyn whaley
My 1984 4/4 probably qualifies ....but I have very few points....

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:36 pm
by Richard Smith
Just tell me about the car, I will worry about the points.

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:14 pm
by Richard Smith
I hope that as many award winners will be at the Awards Dinner in February. Some of the awards are re-presentations, and have been awarded in the first place at the respective Drivers Dinners in November. I hope those being re-presented will make every effort to attend. Two places have been reserved for the winners: please mention this to Cecile Povey on booking. This will need to be done very soon! To those who are receiving awards who don't know it, I will be contacting them privately, this will help keep the excitement and suspense until the moment of having your name shouted out. There might be some of you who have booked, and don't even know you are down to receive an award! Wooo Hooo!
Anyway, this is my last event as Awards Bloke (sob!) I have enjoyed the job, thank you all for making it enjoyable, especially the organisers.

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:32 pm
by Richard Smith
If you have any trophies that are due to be presented, please return them to me without delay so I can have them engraved with the new recipients names. If you have trophies in your possession that are being represented to you, make sure you bring them to the Awards Dinner. Ta.

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:51 pm
by Andrew Faulds
Hi Richard, Not totally sure what the award is for but I will throw my cards on the table (if that is the right pun).

1983 Plus 8, all original, including most of the driver.

By the way, I was very disappointed to note that I was not voted one of Autosport Magazines Top 50 Drivers for 2010. Must be doing something wrong!?

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:36 pm
by Richard Smith
Well, the Awards Dinner has been and gone! And I am no longer your Awards Secretary, so may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your help, support and encouragement, I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Fair enough, I never managed to post a running total of points scored and a leaderboard, but the innovations I have introduced I hope will continue, for instance having 60 places reserved at the dinner, not printing the award winners names on the table menus, and in as many cases as possible, not even telling some members they were being presented with an award! I hope you will give the same help and friendliness to Philip and Margaret Parkes, your new Awards Secretaries. =D>

Re: Awards for the 2010 season

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:37 pm
by Tim Ayres
Hi Richard,
I'm a bit disappointed you couldn't arrange for me to win anything this time, but I know you always do your best!
Anyway, thanks for the pots in previous years. You've done a good job!
Sorry I didn't get much time to talk to you and Jane at the spares fair today. It was all a bit hectic, but I mustn't complain.
Catch you soon,