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MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:42 am
by Richard Smith
Entrants needed!

See here for details

This is the new craze sweeping the UK, and the MSCC: your motoring club, has taken a big step to organise this event at Gaydon. There are classes for novices and experts, though in this case, 'experts' are folks like us that sprint and race.

Please look at this event, and encourage others who might be interested to enter.

Don't just stick to racing and sprinting, and get your name down quick for this.

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:52 pm
by Mary Lindsay
Is this what used to be called an autotest?

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:27 pm
by Richard Smith
I don't think so Mary: this uses only forward gears, the one we did at Cheltenham consisted of three different 'circuits', you have three goes at each, and three goes in the other direction. I think autotets include reversing, and 'garage parking', like gymkhanas, though I could be wrong.


Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:51 pm
by Mary Lindsay
Sorry Richard, I am afraid not, doing BDC Silverstone on 7th and keeping family happy on 8th!
Mary :wink:

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:00 pm
by Leigh Sebba
Did it last year at Cheltenham double entered with daughter Tamsin. Virtually a sprint but need no comp license. Recommended - but cant make it this year. If a success and if we can find a venue then hope to run one in East Anglia together with Mog 2011 next year

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:25 am
by jack bellinger
As I cant do BDC (working) I,ve entered the Autosolo?? on the Sunday ..
In the Serious 1.. expert class.. !!! any challengers??


Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:39 pm
by Bob Bull
OK! Jack,
You're on! I'll bring my bike. should be enough.


Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:34 am
by jack bellinger
Well I done my first Auotsolo.. What great fun .
Wives and Girlfriends .. Sons and Fathers. Mums and Dads . Can all do it all you need is to be a Members of the MSCC and have a Driving Licence
The MSCC organised a Great Day of Motor sport . Friendly Atmosphere and relax attitude.
As to the tests.. its just a great chance to blat your car ...if you can remember which way to go and miss all the cones ..You end up with points !!. It was just a Great day with real competion ..

Many thakns MSCC for organising it ..

( well worth 25 quid of anyones Money )


Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:51 am
by Richard Smith
Well said Jack.

I let my two toddlers loose in my Mog, both had 'done' a Sprint Taster day a couple of years back, daughter had hardly driven the car since, son had driven it to and from Le Mans Classic. I, as Awards Officer was asked to announce the winners yesterday: and in the novice class, daughter came first, son won the Novice trophy! Dad was an also-ran. It was a long day for those who stayed until the end, around 6pm, but the organisation was superb, brilliant venue, and there are those on this group who will have things to polish when the postman arrives soon!

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:19 pm
by Simon Baines
Well done to all who helped organise the event yesterday - Vera Brown, Peter Forrest and their team of course builders and marshals who set out some very challenging courses.

What a day of literally non-stop action with intense competition and a chance for the drivers to show their car control.

Thanks also to all the competitors who supported the event and helped make the day a success.

As Jack and Richard have said before, it was particularly good to see families taking part with experience often giving way to natural talent.

Another event for the 2011 MSCC calendar?

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:26 pm
by Leigh Sebba
If there is demand (and someone to run it) I will be looking for a venue for Saturday 2 July 2011 in conjunction with Mog 2011 at Newmarket.

Unfortunately there isn’t a suitable hardstanding at Newmarket to have it there on the Sunday


Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:41 pm
by Richard Smith
I am pretty sure there is a demand Leigh. I spoke to a few at a noggin last night who took part at Gaydon, who think, like me, that it is a brilliant way for Mog owners to have real fun in their cars without having to spend a wadge on helmets, suits, now gloves and next year whatever the nerds at the MSA decide to impose on the rest of us. One of the novice competitors was even looking to design an app for his iphone to plan autosolo circuits!

Re: MSCC Autosolo, August 8th

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:18 pm
by Simon Baines
I couldn't agree more. I think this type of event has the potential to grow into another Madresfield with a following of many "regulars". As Richard says, there is no equipment required to take part, it is an excellent way to appreciate the handling ability of the car and, due to the course design, it does not favour the big engined cars.
Whether the venue moves with the annual events or whether it becomes an annual event at a location such as Gaydon, this type of event deserves support to ensure that it gains popularity.