Crystal Palace

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Moderator: John Clarke

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John Clarke
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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by John Clarke »

I hope Jack and Mary had a successful weekend. I battled for 2 hours through London late Sunday afternoon. Arrived at Crystal Palace in beautiful sunshine and was presented with a quite fantastic parkland setting. The setting looked more the better as the previous hour of drab/run down surburbs was quite depressing. Wandered down to the paddock which was set out under trees but couldn't station my car till the following morning. Wandered back to the trailer to unload the Mog - disaster. Car was kaput and 2 hours with my 'meccano' tool set failed to resurrect it. It was back on with the straps and another 2 hours home. Its now a race to get it ready for Brooklands.

Sorry I missed everyone. I still find it hard to believe that a car running fine two hours previously should then be so unfine after a 2 hour journey on a trailer. I remember Jim Deacon arriving at the Birkett 6 hour race with his +4 one year - his +4 expired taking it off the trailer - I always thought, how can this be? - I now know !!!!

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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by jack bellinger »

Shame John it was a great day..
My little Warwick was fine last week took it off the trailer Mon morn in the paddock Battery Dead (grand kids had left fuel pump on ) Luckily I got back to my shop and got a spare..
HG was respectable with a 47.05 ..
Warwick pretty good with a 41.55
Mary came second in Her Class and got a Crystal Palace Trophy (probably the only person in the MSCC with one of them )
with a 43.75.

there was some fantasic cars there... not to be missed next time
The Humber Humberette 1903 vintage got down from 1min 44s to 1min 08secs

great day

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Re: Crystal Palace

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Yes John, we missed you, sorry about the problems with your car.

The Sevenoaks and District Motor Club who organised this marvellous event are a fantastic club and their friendliness and efficiency is an example to all clubs running motor sport events. The final results were waiting for me on my computer when I got home!

Here are a few photographs from the day.

My good old friend and first ever race car: HG in some unusual company
1947 Monaco powered by a Norton motorbike engine, one hell of a lawnmower.
HG and JEK with their respective pilotes
Jack in the Warwick
Jack at the startline trying to remember where the gears are
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John Clarke
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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by John Clarke »

I'm surprised the car had enough grunt to turn those wheels!! Gutted to have missed it - might have had a chance against the humberette???

Warwick looks extremely you ever get to race her?
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Re: Crystal Palace

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Billy And I done a bit with her a couple of years ago,, but seem to be to Busy lately. She handles fantastic.But Its blooming tight in the cockpit and a lot of fun

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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by jack bellinger »

HG is moving stables
but is going to an old home
was the 4th owner back in the sixties before Mary and Me

good luck Steve
she,s a great little girlie
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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by Mary Lindsay »

Yes, have fun with a great little car Steve!
Don't change a thing!

Snetterton 1972 Mary Lindsay

Silverstone 1973 Mary Lindsay

Crystal Palace 2010 Jack Bellinger and Mary
Crystal Palace 2010 Jack Bellinger
Reunion with previous owner Steve Delacourt Smith in 2016

Going back home to Steve Delacourt Smith 2020
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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by jack bellinger »

great photos
thanks Mary
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Re: Crystal Palace

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Steve reports that he got her back safe and sound and managed to take her out for a run yesterday before lockdown.

Well done Steve!
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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by Steve Delacourt »

I got HG home safely and I've done a few miles in her, she seems very similar to how I remember her when I was 17 in 1963. She had the original Coventry Climax 1122 cc IOE valve engine then. I sold her in about 1965.
Mary and her brother bought her in 1970 and changed the engine to the 1198 Ford Anglia Super pre X flow Kent engine that she has now.
Jack has passed the old style log book to me, but it is a continuation book from 1962. There are three owners before me in '62 to '63. They were all in the Southampton area. I think that HG is a Bournemouth registration, so she had not travelled far from her original owner.
I'm the 4th owner in that book so possibly the 12th overall. From memory, the mileage then was around 50,000.
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Re: Crystal Palace

Post by Mary Lindsay »

So good to hear that you are enjoying "our" HG Steve!

We all feel that we are a part of her history and so glad that she has ended up with you again!
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