Jerry Knight

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Bob Bull
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Jerry Knight

Post by Bob Bull »

Have you noticed the increased imput from Jerry on the forum recently? Regular contributions on a variety of subjects?

I wonder what this indicates, maybe he has completed his preparations for the new season and time hangs heavy on his hands, perhpas he has purchased a new computer and is anxious to make use of it to justify the expense, or is it that he has been abandoned by family and friends and is feeling lonely?

I pose this question simply out of curiosity, I have no personal axe to grind or agenda to follow, but I would be happy to hear other members views on the matter, after all, the Old Boy made need some morale boosting attention.

Bob, that kindly Old Gentleman from Luton.
Ace Photograp…… you know!
peter rafter
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Re: Jerry Knight

Post by peter rafter »

Dear Marge,
As the doyenne of agony aunts...I bow the knee to your not inconsiderable munificence..
But my understanding of these "personal columns” was that the intimate details remained confidential (unlike secrets elsewhere on this forum). Unless of course the details were so salacious or scatological or otherwise so interesting
that they warranted wider circulation…
Reading between the lines of your latest posting I infer you have some insider information, peccadilloes or perhaps more (mystic meg?)
Your public awaits with baited breath
Please reveal all
Publish and be shamed!
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Bob Bull
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Re: Jerry Knight

Post by Bob Bull »

I am shocked that you would even for one moment consider, even briefly, that Dear Jerry might have some dark side that we should expose on this site.
Please be assured that I was merely struck by the increased output of the ageing Morris Garagiste on the forum. I am sure there is some quite innocent reason for his prodigious contributions on various subjects that have become apparent recently. Maybe he has reached retirement age? Lost his job, been to night school to learn advanced keyboard skills, or had his creative juices inspired by your own additions to the assorted ideas bandied about here.
In any case I am one of the most experienced and highly regarded Motor Sport Editors on the international stage, and so many young journos look up to me as a Role Model, that I could never stoop to mere gossip and scandal in order to boost my listening figures -NEVER!!!

But if you do hear of anything ...... you know? Nudge, nudge. Let me know.

Kind regards,

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Re: Jerry Knight


You see Bob I am just a shadow of the night , totally invisible to the majority who neither know or care of my existance.
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Bob Bull
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Re: Jerry Knight

Post by Bob Bull »

JERRY KNIGHT wrote: totally invisible to the majority who neither know or care of my existance.
Please do not worry over the lack of interest concerning your wellbeing, or otherwise, shown by members of this forum, they are by and large a fairly insular bunch. Matters of great importance rarely attract their attention, whether of International import or merely national interest. I have discovered that few are willing to subscribe to any subject that has a meaningful content, preferring to indulge only in matters that you or I would consider 'trivial'. While anxious, as always, to avoid giving offence to anyone, I would direct your attention to some of the major concerns aired on the forum, such as who might have co-drove the Morgan entered as third reserve in the 1948 Somerset Winter Hill Test, if the car had actually ever existed, and indeed the if the prospective co-driver ever even held a driving licence. You will find that the 'historians' will delve into musty archives, trawl the internet, clamber into cob ridden lofts, search obscure libraries, and write endless letters to ancien pilotes of dubious fame, in order to track down such 'important detail'.
With this in mind I would assure you that the more balanced among us care passionately about your welfare, and look forward to renewing your acquaintance in the near future.
In closing might I express my regret at having raised the subject of 'Jerry Knight' in the first place and causing you to doubt your own worth.

The Nice One,

Ace Photograp…… you know!
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