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HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:14 pm
by John Clarke
The HSCC championships come to a conclusion on 17th October.

Jonathon is up for the big prize. He is currently joint leader of Historic Road Sports in his +4. There should be a few +4s entered to see the season out with him. The timetable is here ... 202009.pdf

We're expecting Mark S, Mark H and Simon to be out in their +4s. I am hoping to be there also, but cannot confirm for a few days yet. #-o

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:06 pm
by John Clarke
Hope I'm not premature but Jonathon won his class again at Silverstone this afternoon - I take it Jonathon has won the Roadsports Championship?


=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:48 pm

Yes he did win the championship overall and what a great final race to watch.

Many congratulations Jonathon a very well deserved win =D> =D> =D>


Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:21 pm
by Jonathon Rushton
What a weekend never to forget. Claire and I are now back at home but still in possession of the biggest grins that would put any ginger cat to shame. Needless to say the evening degenerated into complete comedy as we discovered the fair was in town when we hit Buckingham for a few celebratory beers and the only curry house in the land famous for its chicken tarka (it's like chicken tikka, just a little otter..). As if I need to tell you beers, curry and dodgems just do not make good bedfellows.

Claire and I have a superb group photo of everyone in the paddock which I will try and circulate by e-mail once I've managed to extract it off the camera and onto the computer.

Also, I have to say a major thank you to Mark (Shears) and Mark (Hoble) for answering the call to arms. I can't think of finer wingmen to have on circuit for the last race of the season.

And finally, Mr Clarke, there is a call to organise the gathering of the clans at the Leathern Bottle as per last year. Let’s get a date in the diary.

And so it's good night from me....


Ps. anyone thinking of what to do in 2010?

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:00 am
by Mark Shears
It was an absolute pleasure Jonathon - and I set my fastest lap yet at Silverstone! I know Mark H enjoyed it too - those Avons!

You really are a deserving winner in the best tradition of Morgan competitors - will you succumb to a trailer next season?

Jonathon Rushton on Saturday, Jenson Button on Sunday. Champions both!

Double Cheers,


PS Big Congrats. too to Richard Plant - winner of the 70's Roadsports race. Those Porsche 928s don't stand a chance!

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:34 pm

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:29 pm
by Bob Bull

Congratulations Jonathon, a cracking drive, I love the crossed hands technique. Mark, make a note!!

Well done too, to James Gateson who was lovingly hitting the car with a big hammer, when I turned up - but it seems to have worked.

Well done to the Two Marks, another fine double act.

More pics to be posted on usual site shortly.


Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:15 am
by Mark Hoble
May I add my hearty congratulations to Jonathon. I thoroughly enjoyed playing Wingman with a one-off return to Roadsports. I had to start from the back of the grid having failed to make qualifying but then had an absolute ball getting up to the mid-field and with The Champ elect in sight being hassled by Dave Kirby's TR6. Those Avons are really grippy in comparison to Dunlop Ls !

The race topped off a really fun season of racing. My Plus 4 was on track for 14 hours in total between practices and races which is more than the last two seasons put together. It is now in the hands of TR Enterprises to eek a few more horses from the engine in preparation for next season.

I race the car mainly in the HSCC Guards Trophy which is going from strength to strength. Although we run with sports racers they are generally well behaved and the GT cars can get on and have their own dices. The sports racers are not eligible for the championship. It's good value endurance racing within the ambit of what for me is still the best historic racing club out there. So if any of you have an FIA car I would encourage you to give the Guards Trophy a try.

Mark Hoble

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:18 pm
by Jonathon Rushton
Careful what you wish for.... =D> =D> =D> =D>

Re: HSCC Finals Silverstone 17th October 2009

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:14 pm
by Mark Shears
Yes - Phil Tisdall and I WILL have the red FIA car running then.

Don't forget boys - our annual Yuletide seasonal lunchtime get together. The Leathern Bottle at Lewknor again?

Any thoughts on date?

