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Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:54 pm
by Bob Bull
Where Have All The Posters Gone?

During the 'off season' a number of people were appearing on this site regularly, often several times a day in some cases, but lately things have become rather quiet, the reason, I suppose, is the imminent start of the racing season!
With the first races almost upon us one might have thought that drivers would be calmly making a few last minute adjustments to the trusty steed, perhaps a wipe over with a damp rag, a quick check of tyre pressures, or a last minute application of wax!
I suspect that this is not the case and it is 'panic stations' in many a garage or even kitchen.

"Did you wash my overalls after the last meeting, Dear?" "Do you know where I put my fireproof undies?" "Have you seen what the dog has done in my crash helmet?"

I can imagine frantic calls to the engine builder, demands on the Morgan dealers, major enquiries of the manufacturer, desperate searches on e-Bay. In other words just the start of another season.

Whatever your state of readiness, may I wish you all a very successful and enjoyable year, and I look forward to meeting up with as many of you as possible around the paddock.

Personally I have bought new batteries for the mini disc recorder and charged up those for my camera, I am, therefore totally prepared for a full season of competition.

Bets of luck,


Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:49 pm
by TonyLees
Bob Bull wrote:... a last minute application of wax!
what's the wax for?
Bob Bull wrote:
Bets of luck,
I thought all bets were off ;-)
Thanks Bob; I look forward to seeing you when I'm in my "proper" car.
Cheers, Tony

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:44 pm
by Bob Bull
Lord, save us from picky people.

Sorry Tonail, obviously I meant Pots of luck.

Wax; In order to speed the flow of air over the bodywork, an application of a good quality wax (available from the Portugese distributor) will prevent microscopic drag associated with mere painted panels and caused by the recognised problem of 'orange peel' finish. Experts in this subject have studied the effects of waxing skis and concluded that more speed can be gained by regular polishing with a good carnauba based wax. Naturally if you are unfamiliar with the term 'co-efficient of drag' or the theories of Dr. Kamm you cannot hope to understand the complexities of the equations involved, which make Mc squared child's play in comparison.

Authors note; McSquared is the Jock who discovered the benefits of 'Wax Treatment'.

Did you hear about the lobster who went to the disco and pulled a mussel?



Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:15 am
by jack bellinger
I thought it was only girlies the had WAX TREATMENT..

obviously Toni is a real man

love jack

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:08 pm
by Bob Bull
Nice to see you are still about, I was getting worried, but with regard to 'Wax Treatment' do we actually know any 'girlies' we could ask about such things?
The only person I can think of is .... perhaps not!!

I understand that you operate a retail establishment specialising in items of motoring equipment and accessories, if this is indeed the case , might one enquire as to whether you stock any beauty products suitable for the task described in an earlier post?
Should this be one of your product lines maybe it would be advisable not be so quick to disparage the treatment, as this may effect trade and a consequent loss of profit.

I wonder, do waxed girlies go faster than those less fortunate types who spurn such foibles? What about the ladies of Chelsea, do you have any experience of their habits and capabilities vis a vis waxing?

R F Bull
Marketing Consultant.

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:08 pm
by Mary Lindsay
Jack, I have heard the some male athletes have wax treatment especially swimmers and cyclists. Maybe this is something you should consider...

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:42 pm
by jack bellinger
Bob , scraping of dryed up dead flys has a similar effect ..we sell a products that removes them.. (and it works)

Mary .. Just heard about it ..or.. seen it ?? ( girlie gossip) MEN are MEN we dont wax ..we shave .CHINS.. NOSES..AND EARS

love jack

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:02 pm
by Chris Acklam
Perhaps our posters have decamped to more august media?

In Saturday's Times there was a letter from Peter Sargeant:
Sir, Adrian Reynolds (letter, Mar 18) says that “figure-hugging shirts” are to blame for scrum collapses as there is nothing to bind on. May I suggest that the fitness of today’s players is a more likely cause? They carry less spare flesh that may be gripped. In my rugby playing days the weight of the scrum had more to do with the preponderance of insulating fat than with well-toned muscle.

Peter Sargeant
Let's hope his figure-hugging race suit can cope with his well-toned muscle.

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:08 pm
by Mary Lindsay
Maybe it's because the rugby players wax themselves and so are more smooth....

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:58 pm
by Leigh Sebba
Chris - you are being a little misleading. The letter is from Peter Sergeant of Loughborough, not our well known Peter Sargeant of just off Jn 2 on M50. His letter may be in The Sun.

Incidentally I recently read an article about why racing cyclists shave their legs and apparently it makes no measurable difference to speed but is either so they can patch up the cuts easier when they crash or, more likely, to look good in pictures. But I suppose I could do a road test with and without my beard.

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:40 am
by Chris Acklam
Leigh Sebba wrote:Chris - you are being a little misleading.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... ;-)

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:11 am
by Mary Lindsay
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ...
Chris, now I am confused do ducks play rugby or shave themselves?

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:31 am
by Chris Acklam
No ducks in rugby, Mary, only cricket. (Jack will explain the rules ..)

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:48 am
by Mary Lindsay
But Jack only knows about football.
Anyway, you raised the subject of ducks, so where do they fit into this mystery?

Re: Where Have All The Posters Gone?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:03 am
by Katy Thompson
I suppose the question is, do ducks wax?

Anyway in preparation for the season I've washed his overalls, waxed the car and starched everything else......

And there are many ladies I know who prefer wax as shaving burns......
