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What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:49 pm
by Jonathan Edwards
I trying to figure out the minimum sized trailer that I need to tow a Plus 8, circa 1991. For security reasons I would like to garage it but have the usual space constraints to deal with. My starting point is I think, twin axles and braked.
So, any advise or tips on minimum bed size etc from those in the know would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:52 pm
by Chris Acklam
You probably need to know if you will want to carry other stuff to to race meetings along with the car. Extra wheels, tyres, petrol cans, etc, etc.

Brian James has an extensive range and seems to be the most popular manufacturer,

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:54 am
by Philip Tisdall
Chris is right.
I use a Brian James Standard Clubman for my +8. I tow it with a VW Passatt. The trailer tows a dream, I added a tyre rack and Box. The trailers are low ,so again make towing easy.
They are hard to find second hand and do hold value so not cheep.

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:47 am
by Andy Green
Clubman 1350 tilt bed plus storage packs 1 and 2

Very difficult to buy 2nd hand

Then after 2 years fit a cover from weatherweave

Then move to Class B

Then buy a motorhome


Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:16 am
by Chris Acklam
Andy Green wrote:Clubman 1350 tilt bed plus storage packs 1 and 2
Very difficult to buy 2nd hand
Then after 2 years fit a cover from weatherweave
Then move to Class B
Then buy a motorhome
Then find historic race car to do up

Buy Dastle box

Enter prestigious historic rounds

Realise you need to arrive two days before each meeting to set up and test

Buy bigger motorhome

Finalise calendar for the coming year. Realise that you need job that only requires commitment for two days a week between April and October. Ask wife for photo of family so you know who they are when strangers want to share motorhome. Buy paddock bike. Realise you need to arrive three days before each meeting to get the best hookup in the padddock. Revise job to one day a week. Buy hanging flower boxes for motorhome. Have difficulty recognising people not in race suits. Scrutineers call you by first name.

It's a slippery slope....

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:20 pm
by Mary Lindsay
You could always try driving to race meetings, saves all the above mentioned hassle!

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:03 pm
Mary Lindsay wrote:You could always try driving to race meetings, saves all the above mentioned hassle!
but if he wanted to do that with reliability he would have to buy a Jaguar.

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:00 pm
by peter rafter
having recently been down this road, may i share a few points/
how muchto spend? (its worth being up front with the duchess and say forget the carpet for the spare bedroom)
2nd hand values are questionably high, but piston heads have quite a few,
hire is also worth exploring as a trial and many firms sell off spare trailers,
open or closed, race shuttle, dastle,
spec your trailer from say the brian james web e.g winch?, longer loading ramps, central decking, security, extras e.g. tyre racks,
no real benefit from tilt beds
MEASURE--buy trailer longer than the car, so that if anyone shunts then they hit the trailer not the car,
look at width (remember old chestnut about people building boats and gliders in the loft), in my case my first preference was too wide for my drive, where are you going to keep it? does it need to fit into a garage?
do plenty of research,
remember its the car that gives the buzz not the trailer, thats just functionality

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:32 pm
by Jonathan Edwards
Aha, so far I've realised I've got the wrong car, the wrong job, need a motorhome with hanging baskets and my Wife's new bathroom plans are shot!

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:39 pm
Just glad to help

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:54 am
by Chris Acklam
Jonathan Edwards wrote:... my Wife's new bathroom plans are shot!
There is one amongst us who has a immensely practical approach to domestic plans that might encroach upon the race budget.
  • a) Submit plans that cause the authorities to splutter about conservation and heritage, require endless meetings and research and then essentially refuse all proposals.
    b) Casually mention that the new building will put paid to that pesky colony of bats - tree huggers will rush in and stop all work (proposed or actual) while they sniff around for droppings.
    c) Ask Smallbone to quote.
At the end of each stage buy a car to console yourself for the delay/cost.

Seems to work for him...

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:47 pm
by Bob Bull
I can offer no advice on trailers, however, would like to share a few ideas with you all concerning keeping Mrs and Morgan sweet.

Firstly there is what I call the Emberson Ploy.
One Morgan driver who we shall call 'Joe' to avoid embarrassment hit on the idea of making his wife TEAM MANAGER, giving her responsibility for hefting wheels and other weighty items of equipment about in the pits, this gave his other half, whom we shall call 'Kath', the notion that she was the one who wanted to go racing and that poor old 'Joe' was an unwilling party to it all, forced to race a succession of Morgans at various places around the planet to satisfy HER ambitions.
Thus 'Joe' is able to maintain marital harmony and fulfill his dreams of glory on the track, even the children were given titles such as 'Chief Mechanic', 'Gear Box Specialist' to avoid any revolt against spending weekends at bleak airfields when the Rugby Field beckoned.
The only downside was that SHE tended to hog the champagne, but he feels this is a small price to pay for the opportunity to drive a Morgan without risking divorce proceedings.
Should anyone feel they know who 'Joe' is please do not spill the beans and spoil a perfect marriage.

Another way to ensure that domestic bliss is not disturbed by ones desire to spend days at a time away from home is the 'Pathetic Male Syndrome', and I must thank Mark ? for this one. Picture the scene;

Husband enters immaculate kitchen in grubby overalls, hands covered in grease; "Have we anything for sandwiches, Love? I'm off to Croft tomorrow"
Wife appears with horrified look on her face, and visions of her kingdom desecrated.
"You go upstairs and wash your hands this instant, they're filthy, Ill get you something."
Half-an-hour later a magnificent hamper stuffed with goodies is prepared ready for the weekend, and of course Hubby can't be trusted to feed himself properly, so SHE must come along to ensure he eats well. Naturally, women being just as competitive as the men, it is imperative that HER spread is better than anyone else's, and it is not long before picnic tables, folding chairs, wine coolers, mini fridges etc are deployed to 'keep up appearances' and ensure superiority in the paddock posing stakes.
The main drawback to this approach is the amount of room needed to transport all of the paraphenalia which can mean ditching spare tyres etc, and make the need for a bigger car, trailer a necessity, but at least there will be no objections from 'er indoors over the acquisition of suitable transport.

I am sure the astute males who inhabit this forum have many other suggestions, as to the female drivers, I have no idea how they manage to satsify there menfolk, but no doubt they have their ways.

Hope this helps,


Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:23 pm
by TonyLees
Chris Acklam wrote:
Jonathan Edwards wrote:... my Wife's new bathroom plans are shot!
There is one amongst us who has a immensely practical approach to domestic plans that might encroach upon the race budget.
  • a) Submit plans that cause the authorities to splutter about conservation and heritage, require endless meetings and research and then essentially refuse all proposals.
    b) Casually mention that the new building will put paid to that pesky colony of bats - tree huggers will rush in and stop all work (proposed or actual) while they sniff around for droppings.
    c) Ask Smallbone to quote.
At the end of each stage buy a car to console yourself for the delay/cost.

Seems to work for him...
but you missed this bit:
whilst ooh-ing and aah-ing over the new kitchen colour schemes, re-build garage in the background so that the cars have somewhere nice to sleep

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:14 pm
by Philip Tisdall
I would give the bathroom the go ahead right now, with the words “I leave it to you dear as you know exactly what you want and I will only get in the way and oh yes, here is the cheque book” this will distract the good lady from the vast amounts that you are about to sink into racing. ( lorries, motor homes, mechanics, cooks, reporters and so on
I should know, I said I would only do a couple of races last season, and that did not last long. These race boys are a very bad influence ( sorry, ladies as well)
My Dad did warn me that Wives (+daughters) & horses added together were a drain on revenue but they canter into insignificance compared to racing.

As a Ex chairman ( no we did not bend to being PC) of a parish council, if you would like me to drop your council the odd letter about bats, nutes and the odd barn owl spotted around your mansion to create a distraction let me know

Re: What size trailer do I need?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:29 pm
by Catherine Emberson
I think you have presented only half the picture in regard to the 'Emberson Ploy' Bob. The arrangement is definitely one of Quid Pro Quo! 'Kath' may appear to have been taken in by being given grand titles but by showing 'Joe' support she is just collecting brownie points which she can use later. All through the non-racing season 'Kath' makes full use of these points (everything she wants for Christmas, trips to the opera etc) and 'Joe' comes up trumps every time. As to the problem of bleak airfields 'Joe' may have solved that one too with the supply of very expensive silk and cashmere thermals which should keep 'Kath' warm on the pit wall. You may be right about the champagne though; I know that 'Kath' has a weakness for the stuff but not in January when she and 'Joe' go dry. Unfortunately the children seem to have revolted against the early starts and the habitually cold weather at Morgan races and only deign to offer support in exotic locations. So this Team Manager, Chief Mechanic stuff is all a bit of a sham!