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Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:32 am
by Bob Bull
This is not the correct calendar and I will soon be publishing it on the Challenge web site
Then why on earth are you going to publish it? [-X

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:26 am
by Mary Lindsay
For the avoidance of doubt : I will soon be publishing the correct calendar on the Challenge web site.

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:29 pm
by Alan House
Morgan Challenge 2019

Much the same as presented at the Driver's meeting other than 18th May at Oulton.
No opener at Snetterton because the CSCC are a victim of their own success and cannot fit us into their programme sadly, but will do in 2020 all things being equal.
No foreign meeting period as such jewels are sadly every other year!


Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:19 pm
by Mary Lindsay
Bob Bull has written colourful account of the annual dinner and you will find it on the Challenge web site.
Many thanks to Bob for his continuing support and literary talent. =D>

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:16 pm
by Mary Lindsay
2019 draft regulations, registration form and provisional dates are now on the Challenge web site.

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:01 pm
by peter rafter
Sir Bob, may I extend my heartiest felicitations on your most excellent report on the annual bun fight at Stratford. It was with deep regret that I was unable to attend, doubly so as I could not savour your inestimable charm and wit. Fortunately, on the evening in question I had an alternative engagement, somewhat akin to the antics in the Pelicans Club. Or it might have been The Drones Club, a noted meeting point for feckless gentlemen. You will understand that It would not of course been the Junior Ganymede Club. Thereafter, a brief overnight sojourn to celebrate the forthcoming engagement of a modern Madeline Basset at Blandings, or Chuffnell, or Totleigh Towers.
It pains me to confess that, based on the severity of the resultant morning after hangover, it must have been all three. However, I do take some comfort from your report that the incorrigibles of the Morgan Family kept the flag flying until the early hours.
I realise now that honour dictated that I should have sent a Telegram offering my apologies for my absence. I do recall that at a summer race meeting one Mr Sargent , with some menace, was soliciting financial contributions from we poor drivers for a” worthy cause”. Luck would have it that I had recourse to a postal order and some postage stamps.
If I may be so bold as also to compliment you on the daguerrotypes of both the Challenge and SpeedMog championships. They all scrubbed up well.
Whilst all can see that i had a legitimate reason for not attending, Blessed Mary likewise, but i do hope that penury, as you implied, was not the cause of Orebi Ganns.

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 8:57 am
by Bob Bull
Compo, my dear Old Friend, I am delighted that my prose appears to have in some small measure mollified your regret at being unable to join your confederates in the Bard's place of sojourn, and delighted that you enjoyed my photographic efforts. However, I am equally amazed that anybody actually reads the report! No doubt if anyone other than your good self peruses the record of the evening's jollities, it will be to see if they had in some way behaved,(while under the influence shall we say?) in a manner that may have attracted public opprobrium and even articles in scurrilous papers.
I am pleased to confirm that not a single bun was thrown, not a pair of trousers dropped (the ladies were decorum personified), neither did I hear the sound of a cheek being slapped. You did not miss much.

The Other 'alf insists that breakfast is ready.


The inner man satisfied I am able to return to the theme. The Blessed Mary was unable to add her notable presence to the occasion as she was, as befits such a paragon, on a mission of mercy. I had opined that her dog had to be unwell, but was assured that it was not that serious a matter. Of course in the case of the revered Simon and Kate I jest, had the price been an embarrassment no doubt Simon would have converted one of his Morgans to cash, but I am sure that there are good and sufficient reasons unconnected with finance that prevented their attendance. Much of the credit for the splendid organisation must be attributed to the charming Michele, who not only looked quite stunning despite the undoubted stress she had been under, but also received a trophy for her driving skills in the Speed Mog series. What a talented lady she is. (You will understand, Peter that one has to look to the future, and a few compliments rarely go astray, one can only hope that the right person reads this thread) Mother taught me well.
I am pleased that my conjecture regarding your tardy arrival proved false, and trust that at whatever function you had graced with your presence, you did not disgrace yourself by wearing a penguin suit. The flat 'at and tweed jacket look is much more you.

Kind regards to all in Sheffield.


Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:44 pm
by peter rafter
Oh scribe with the silver quill.
If you feel that no one reads your reports, you could double the count by having them published in Miscellany.
As to dinner, twas not as you so humorously refer to as a penguin suit, but actually a White Tie affair, which my daughter refers to as “head waiter “ attire.
I must express my displeasure at your referral to your good lady as the “other ‘alf”, similarly ‘er indoors, or “she who must be obeyed” and all other such disrespectful terms. They are not all entirely conducive to a harmonious and trusting partnership. Indeed they have been known to incur the withdrawal of hitherto considered essential ‘services’ (at your advanced age probably restricted to bed making, washing and ironing, collecting your prescriptions, filling the bedside glass with steradent etc) particularly if you also like eating. However I must admire anyone who lives so dangerously.

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:59 pm
by Bob Bull
Peter, you wise words concerning the risks of causing offence to ones distaff, are indeed cogent, walking around Dear Judith (which I must point out does not take long) is like being deployed in Afghanistan! Beware of the IED's.

He who is never obeyed,


Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:39 pm
by peter rafter
Are you calling De wife, de staff?

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:29 pm
peter rafter wrote:If you feel that no one reads your reports, you could double the count by having them published in Miscellany.
Can I just point out as a maffmortician of some standing some sitting down , that zero readers in 2 publications is still zero readers ! no doubleing bout it Lad .

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:33 pm
by peter rafter
See, O estimable Scribe, as a reward for your efforts you have finally hooked a reader.I wouldn’t celebrate too enthusiastically as it would appear he is a Morticion who inters Maffs!
However he is no ordinary individual, but a member of the Grand Order of Knights, although possibly of an extinct or unrecognised order. Certainly not Templar, Garter, Round Table.etc . I have a table inscribed with the names of the Knights of The Round Table similar to that found in Winchester. There are no “Jerrys” amongst the noblesse listings of Galahad , Gawain, Percivale, Tristram de Lyones, Lacotemale Taile, Ector de Maris et al. I am not in anyway suggesting he is an imposter but in the present days of identity theft and to establish his credentials and provenance you should consider challenging him, albeit in accordance with the strictures of Chivalry, to a duel or better still a Joust in full armour and on horseback. I have a previous engagement but there should be no shortage of seconds.
Twice times zero is zero, I rest my case.

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:47 pm
by Bob Bull
"Bob Bull has written colourful account of the annual dinner ….."

I present as evidence of my popularity as an author the quotation from one of impeccable taste, who has clearly read the aforesaid report describing it as she does, as 'colourful'
I rest MY case.

Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:00 pm
by Bob Bull
Peter, having been seated in very close proximity to 'Jerry' during the course of the Dinner I can assure you that the description gentle parfait definitely does not apply.
I suspect that the knighthood comes from some University in Utter Pradesh, and cost him at least 23 rupees.

Your genial genealogist,


Re: Web site updates 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 11:21 pm
by Phill Thomas
SimonScott wrote:Not starting the year at Snetterton? :shock:
Hope Katy reminds everyone otherwise someone will turn up at the wrong place for Round One!!! :lol:
Some of us booked hotels for the British Motor Heritage Relay Race last season!