With a move into accomodation more suitable for an aged married couple imminent, i am having to dispose of several tons of what the wife descries as 'rubbish'.
Would anyone care to have three shoeboxes of UK race programmes to clutter up their loft? All in good condition, and covering events from internationall to club level, HSCC, MSCC, MG, Revival, BDC, GT, etc. from early 2000 to date.
Probably worth a few bob, but free to any Morgan driver.
I have a spare camera outfit, Canon 500D, with Sigma 250 zoom, & Canon 70-300mm zoom lens, lens hoods. all end caps, battery charger, leather fabric camera strap, in good quality camera bag. A complete motor racing photographers kit. I can advedrtise on E Bay for about £200/250 but happy to take less from any MSCC member.
Two old armchairs, table, wardrobes, book shelves .........
House Clearance
Moderator: Andy Downes
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If your item sells or is withdrawn, please post a message to that effect.
If your item sells or is withdrawn, please post a message to that effect.
House Clearance
Ace Photograp…… you know!