Am just doing a shout out on behalf of Iain Levison re the proposed AutoSolo at Gaydon this year:
Hi all
As you may all be aware the 2022 Mogfest event at Beamish is unable to host the Club AutoSolo this year as there is no suitable area on-site or nearby.
Frank Whitefoot and I have had very exploratory talks with Gaydon and there is an opportunity to host the event there again this year, albeit in a different part of the site which may afford us more space for a more open course.
Unfortunately, with my current personal circumstances and other obligations within the Club I simply do not have time to organise the event this year. I’m therefore asking if anybody within SportsMog would like to take on the mantle? I am happy to help out in whatever way you would like me to, including on the day if I don’t have any other fixed commitments, and I can share all the paperwork etc from last year’s to give a head start.
The main tasks involved are:
Agreeing date and location with Gaydon (or other venue you want to use instead);
Updating Supplementary Regulations, risk assessment, entry forms and Final Instructions;
Motorsport UK Permit application;
Accepting and managing entries;
Recruiting marshals;
Designing the course;
Transporting equipment from the Club storage unit in Daventry and setting up the course the day before the event;
Running the event on the day;
Recording the scores and awarding trophies to the winners;
Returning all the equipment to the storage unit after the event;
Making the final Permit payment to MSUK after the event.
I’m happy to help with some of the above, but can’t do the whole thing alone as I did last year. It would be easily done if 2-3 people wanted to work together as a team.
Don’t all rush at once, but if you can get in touch by next Saturday (the 19th) I can then get in touch with Gaydon and let them know what is going on.
If we can’t run the event this year then I certainly intend to hold it again next year, ideally at Mogfest if a suitable area can be found or at Gaydon as a standalone event. However, if you want to have a go this year, someone else is going to have to take it on.
Kind regards
Iain Leviston
Motorsport Lead, Morgan Sports Car Club & Centre Secretary, SportsMog Centre
Tel: 07512 639 188. sportsmog@morgansportscarclub.com