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Mary Lindsay
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Re: Coro

Post by Mary Lindsay »

Maybe he has booked a flight with Ryanair : "Jab & Go"
Jim Mountain
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Re: Coro

Post by Jim Mountain »

gregparnell wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:10 pm If we train all Amazon drivers to give the vaccine then everyone will be immunised by Sunday or Friday if you have Prime 😂
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Lewis can paint his car black, but mine is staying pretty red.

Sumerian cuneiform, Egyptian cartouches, symbols, inscriptions representing words, figures, people, activities recorded not for the ear but for the eye. Words can paint pictures as fine as any artist. Symbols such as music notes can create sublime sounds that reach the highest plain in all art. Ludwig van Beethoven was born 250 tears ago. He traded on the ‘van’, derived from his Belgian antecedents, to secure aristocratic patronage. To denote nobility it would have been “von”. In his later years he was afflicted with progressive deafness but he could always imagine in his mind what his compositions would sound like. We are blessed.

Hospital news. The journalist is awake. He has had bouts of hallucination and deliriousness. Luncheon is served. A pair of eyes swathed in masks asks if he is hungry, and if so, he is lucky to have lost his sense of taste. He says he is dying for a cigarette. The nurse replies he will get his wish to die if he smokes. His lungs are damaged by the virus and are only at 40% capacity.The liver hepatocytes have the greatest capacity to regenerate of any organ while at the same time providing full support for body homeostasis. It is not clear whether alveolar regeneration occurs after Coro infection-induced lung injury.

He surveys the ICU ward. It’s modern and arranged in a semi circular pod configuration. Ghostly figures, porters, shuffle patients and beds, exit left to the palliative care unit, exit right to the covid general ward.

The Boffin is briefing the Minister who is fully seized with reducing his carbon footprint by driving everywhere. The Minister is endeavouring to make sense of his briefing papers. He starts off with “ unless I’m very much mistaken the blah blah and so on …Yes minister you are very much mistaken. Viruses need a living cell to reproduce and replicate. It floods surrounding tissues attacking neighbouring cells and spreads throughout the body.

There are 3 vaccines available to UK residents but it is not ‘pick and mix’. Immunity, either through those who have had the virus or those that are vaccinated. However, some patients who recover exhibit prolonged symptoms including dyspnea, fatigue, cough, and dysosmia and hair loss for many months after symptom onset of the disease.

The Minister is unsure of delaying the second injection although that decision seems to have been already taken in the wider interests of someone.

Later, against the persistent hum of the shredder the Minister is ensconced in a “safe” house with his accountant. The accountant, knee deep in paper and ankle deep in wine corks, is wearing his earnest client face, (at this point if it were Yes Minister, that engrossing caricature of Whitehall by Lynn/Jay in the 1980’s, Bernard, Private Secretary to Hacker, would interject that you cannot be both up to your knees and ankles in …… ).

The accountant assures that IPSA is on his slop list i.e. ongoing. However, in all things bear in mind the Albert Speer defence, ‘I was responsible but I did not know, I should have known, I could have known, but I didn’t’. This is known as as culpability whilst denying any actual knowledge of the crime. Better to stay shtum and admit zilch.

However, the matter in hand is potentially more serious and damaging. Divorce. It is rumoured that the Minister’s spouse is contemplating filing for a divorce. The Minister who still has nightmares over that innocuous phrase “ no cause or impediment” is no stranger to Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and the painful financial consequences. His first sally into the matrimonial state was a quiet affair, the vicar had laryngitis! The Minister already has a coterie of estranged wives. The accountant points out that they were able then to make substantial (i.e. more than necessary) financial cash and share settlements thus preserving his prime properties and assets, some of which may even have been disclosed to the courts.

His present spouse is threatening to “fillet him clean to the bone” to use the vernacular, although her expensive attorneys, she is American, will phrase it more appropriately in legal terms, and therein lies the problem. Why? Well they, the Minister and the accountant that is, may be on the horns of a dilemma in that this time they might have to make a fuller and indeed almost a proper disclosure (by way of exchanging Financial Statements Form E). She has hinted at knowledge of those, ahem, ‘private “ fees, other income, safe deposit boxes and worse still those quasi legal offshore funds. This is akin to a descending spiral of iniquity.
If he makes a proper disclosure then this could be compared by HMRC to his Tax records over several years and reveal certain material discrepancies. Double Ouch.

Alas, it is increasingly difficult to simply reconfigure the numbers. It is not falsifying, more disguising. Whereas previously you could fool some of the tax people all of the time and those are the ones they concentrated on (somewhat similar to electioneering), the times they are a changin. They could try creating offsetting debts but the Revenue are getting wise to the usual dodges. It is not always reassuring to have the opinion of an expert.

The Minister suggests selling a few old Masters paintings, that 1903 one-cylinder three-horsepower tiller-steered curved-dash Oldsmobile, the first folios, the odd nag, especially that one the trainer said would walk it, which it did, i.e. walk. The accountant thinks that might just cover the legal fees! The accountant suggests, albeit with a total lack of conviction ‘You could try and a reconciliation’ ? Failing that, Do you know anyone who might, er persuade her otherwise”? Or even “solve” the problem.

The Minister feigns outrage, an affront to his dignity, he is aghast at both suggestions. He is Privy Counsellor, a Member of Parliament and as such he should be /is a man of principle, (“let principle be your guide, regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character.” ― Webster). It’s a bit late to find your principles Minister, besides which the only decent man with principles to get into The House of Commons was Yorkshire born, Guy Fawkes. We both know he is a thoroughly irredeemable corrupt unmitigated rogue. Twas ever thus.

Afterwards the Minister attends a reception at the Italian Consulate (Bollo Italiano) to celebrate Immacolate Concezione hosted by the Scicilian previously a guest of the Minister art the House. He has family interests, inter alia, in olives, wine and pistachios. More of this later.

World news. In India, the land of my birth, there is a Government agency responsible for the welfare of cows Narendra Moodi is asked whether there are plans for an agency for the welfare of the people?

Home news. Have you seen those free school lunch boxes. Ridiculous. Where are the crisps, fizzy drinks bottles, red bull cans, pringles, sherbert dabs, liquorice wheels, jelly beans. No self respecting school kid would touch the junk the Officials deemed suitable.

Correction. Toby is doubly incompetent, not incontinent.
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Beethoven's iconic 5th symphony symbolising fate knocking at the door. starts with GGGF, played short-short-short LONG. Da da da dum, allegro con brio, played by the lower strings and clarinets:. The famous refrain is then repeated a step lower.
Da da da dum, Not as Bertie Wooster thought tum de tum de tum de tum
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

There has been a short pause in this thread as things were getting a tad manic. But as they say of Russian history "And then things got worse!”

Mark what happened here in1265 anno domini “The streets became eerily quiet; grass grew where there had been heavy traffic; overseas trade took a hammering. In June tens of thousands of well-off Londoners fled the city with carts piled high with their possessions. Refugees from “plaguey London” were turned back by angry villagers armed with pitchforks and cudgels. By winter, with unemployment rampant and fuel prices high, the poor were desperate and in open revolt against the rules.”
Plus ça change.

The Hancock Autocorrect has changed "I'm fine” to “ I am depressed, in pain and. I can barely breathe”.

This year I managed “dry” January, not without some difficulty, but next year I will opt for February for obvious reasons. But suddenly it’s Lent. Lent is a season of reflection and penitential preparation, but mainly abstinence. Many countries herald the start of Lent by a final big bash, Carnivale, Fasching, Mardi Gras (where even Quasimodo could score). This year it was cancelled everywhere. However, the Church hasn’t cancelled Lent. If you are struggling with Lent don’t give up, persevere. It’s only 40 days but yes it seems like 40 years. Lent and fasting was introduced too late for Moses. Indeed its chronology is attributed to the early Christians. The Book of Exodus insists Moses led his people through the desert for 40 years in search of the promised land. So even in Biblical times men avoided asking the way or proved that it’s not only women who can’t read a map. Was Moses the first recorded basket case?

The FIA announced its calendar and Formula 1 rule changes to keep the crowds at bay and maintain the critical boredom level. Gawd! We are left with a circus bereft of clowns. Where are Eddie, Ron and Bernie? A need to spice it up? More irritating music? Ban tyre changes? More cat litter? One suggestion is to bring back the scantily clad pit lane grid ladies and let them drive the first lap in the new sprint race. When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90 % of their body... men are so polite they only look at the covered parts.

In a darker twist, Ferrari reiterated its commitment to a Ferrari world championship victory

In between times we will all rue the absence of the promising Hanoi Phnom Phen Grand Prix. I was looking forward to its novel nomenclature i.e. McNamara complex, Ho Chi Minh straight, Tet offensive, Lê Duẩn da nang big bong, Saigon hairpin, Gulf of Tonkin loop, napalm ridge and agent orange chicane. Perhaps next year.

In the event of further cancellations an alternative replacement venue has been proposed, Jerusalem! The initial circuit design involves relocating, remodelling and digitalising some well worn tourist black spots such as the Western Wailing Wall, Gethsemane, Golgotha, the Temple Mount, the Church of the Holy Sepulchres etc. However, vehement protests including, but not least, that from the Patriarchs πατριάρχης (Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem) has led to a new site which although regrettable may instead involve demolishing several Palestine settlements and moving thousands of tents used by itinerant refugees. A prominent Labour Politician and killjoy has written a strongly worded letter of condemnation and as soon as the corvid travel restrictions are eased will lead protest march. His brothers in arms, Hamas, will fire off a few rockets first.

Kimi is a minimalist, if you lose, say nothing, if you win say less.

HMG shocked car manufacturers this week by announcing at a symposium on saving the Planet and its rich deposits of carbon dioxide and similar threatened elements, that all cars must be electric by Thursday next, thereby preempting Jaguar LandRover in its plea for loads of dosh. Many Councils have already started coning off large sections of paths and roads ostensibly to put 3 pin plugs in the street (they usually wait to cause havoc just after the utility companies and fibre optic lot have dug up and resurfaced the highways). Future policy is utterly clueless.

Is Dilyn cutting Bojo's hair?

Where is the appeal to save the internal combustion engine? Are we rally saying farewell? We could be facing a world without the aroma of burnt Castrol R. I for one am researching protest action. Please send me all your Bitcoins

My daughters have added “no more church bashing and no sexist remarks” to their list of my new year’s resolutions.

My Grandson will be allowed back to skool just before the start of the Easter holidays.

The jab is just a tiny prick!
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Re: Coro

Post by gregparnell »

I've read your post with considerable relief - in your absence I've been thinking the worst - however now you are back with us I'm even more determined to out drag you on the finishing straight and give you no quarter.
Yours competively
Greg 👍🙂
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Re: Coro

Post by gregparnell »

Sorry I miss addressed you - I meant to say Peter - I blame predictive text☹️
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Where is coro who is she?

In the immortal words of Miss Lamont “if this thread brings a little joy into your hum drum lives it makes us feel our hard work ain’t been in vain for nothing!

Shock, horror, probe. Mercedes, problems in pre season testing. Much to the barely disguised schadenfreude of the back of the grid teams. A spokesman could not remember the German word for sandbagging.

In this year of blight and judging by the volume of discarded face masks that litter the highways and byways, Sheffield must be almost corvid free. HMG have ordained that singing, con brio, “nearer my God to thee” are grounds for exclusion from the corvid wards!

We are ever bombarded with articles expounding the virtues of electric vehicles. Poor Otto must be turning in his grave, that is if he wasn’t cremated. Its understandable why Steam vehicles didn’t catch on, they required long startup times -- especially in the cold -- and would need to be refilled with water, limiting their range. Just like my first car which also used an equal amount of oil, in fact more oil than water. But electric? Can it be that the pretty red car will become obsolete?

But lo, on yonder horizon, behold an unlikely Saviour from an unexpected quarter. Brother Oneout-allout, Hon Sec of the retired British Leyland workers (Aston branch), in his address to the AGM harked back to that wonder of the age, the Morris Marina, and called for action. What so? It should be mandatory that all Electric vehicles should be issued with a soundtrack of a misfiring knocking engine, a manual gearbox without syncromesh, squealing drum brakes, permanently extended semaphore indicators, a protruding starting handle, the Mirrors stuck on with fixodent, a foot operated headlight dimming pedal, a leaking boot and, cross ply tyre retreads. No Luddite he.
Oh and no spare (of anything).

If you agree with these please add them to your MSUK survey responses.

Braking news. There is to be a full enquiry and an independent judicial review on why, in the face of the blatant aggression by the demonstrators viz the hurling of flower petals and dandelions at the unobtrusive police cordon, the police did not use their water cannon and cattle prods? The brave guardians had only their batons and and pepper spray to defend themselves. The Police added there wasn’t time to force feed those arrested as they were fined and bailed early the next day. The rules are clear. Respect the law. Stay safe.

At it’s highest echelons the Met disparaged the the duplicity of “Homage to the Spare Rib” a leading Wimmins charity who have called for the withdrawal of conjugal rights by all wives and partners of the thin blue line. On the other hand….

Not all cyclists dope.There have been allegations of doping in the Tour de France since the race began and in former times riders consumed alcohol and used ether, among other substances, as a means of dulling the pain. For 60 years doping was allowed (ah the good old days!) Today in Sheffield they just stick to drink and 4 abreast or in the middle of the road is the order of the day,

Following the visit of the Pope to Iran will there be a reciprocal visit to Rome of the Head Islamic religious leader, often a fundamentalist, regarded as dangerous, extremist, or unpredictable, and who could comment on the validity of the Tried and Dented mass?

The Minister is asked whether one is entitled to sick leave and pay when working from home?

Newly discovered fragments of the dead sea scrolls have been discovered. Those on basildon bond notepaper have been sent to America for verification, where they were welcomed by the hierarchy who intoned that its 60 years since the last lot were found and we still don’t know digly squat. In any event as the latest finds show if English was good enough for the bible then its good enough for Americans.

I grieve and dare not show my discontent. Time for a restorative drink
Insanity is not just a state of mind, its a refuge.
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Bob Bull
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Re: Coro

Post by Bob Bull »

Insanity rules! I have just read all of Compo's last post (If only).

He is a 'Glimmering, shimmering star of the Sheffield firmament'
Ace Photograp…… you know!
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

Contrary to popular belief it is not compulsory to read this thread. Many are irritated, nay feel demeaned by those bien pensants who use unnecessary foreign words, déjà vu, or, inter alia, latin phrases “carpe diem’, or obscure stanzas of poetry “come friendly bombs”, or prose “all the world is a stage”, Biblical quotes “ let there be light, the salt of the earth (Tyndale)”, all purporting to demonstrate a command of the English language as if one has swallowed a dictionary. English as crafted and refined from Chaucer, Tyndale, Shakespeare, Blake, Milton, Jennens (Libretto to Handels Messiah) up to and including Stanley Unwin and Count Arthur Strong. Maddening is it not?

Requiescat in pace: Murray and Sabine. Murray, noted for his verbal mangling of the language “this circuit is interesting because it has inclines and declines. Not just up, but down as well”. Also, Sabine “I do that lap time in a van “. Murray, a onetime advertising executive did not coin the mars and opal fruits tags but did propose “an only budgie is a lonely budgie” in a campaign to increase sales of Trill.

I am transfixed by the bravura of MotoGP riders, thrills, spills, incomprehensible lean angles, aerodynamic winglets. They are the modern gladiators. F1 drivers are strapped in a protective cage. Points of contact for MotoGp riders are their hands, knees and bum cheeks. It may have little relevance to road bikes and modern restrictions but generates compulsive viewing.

On a similar theme ie. 2 wheels, I reproduce from the archives of the Times, a report on whether women should be allowed to ride motorcycles in the 1921 motor cycle Reliability Trials. “The burning question is whether manufacturers will permit their cherished products to be steered to victory or defeat by women in the Reliability Trials. General opinion is against this. They defer to accepted opinion in that contend that women are disqualified through lack of capability, experience, and physical strength. Women are led by emotion not reason. Further, they maintain that such an innovation would cause jealousy and dissatisfaction among their male competition-riders”.

It was not so in Maggie’s time.

Sifting through the plethora of documentaries, historical re-enactments, and “expert” commentary on the Henry/Boleyn saga why was the original plea for annulment based on Leviticus in direct contradiction to Deuteronomy ?

Question in the pub quiz ‘Did Noah include termites on the ark?

Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe.
If the winds fail you, use the oars

I am fully resolved to return with cheeks firmly clenched
peter rafter
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Re: Coro

Post by peter rafter »

In 1502 Cesare Borgia, the illegitimate son of Pope Alexander VI and an inspiration for Machiavelli's 'The Prince', commissioned a review of the defences of the highly fortified town of Imola. Leonardo Da Vinci produced a work of innovative cartography, style and military utility, using am odometer he had developed. It is now the World's earliest surviving "ichnographic" map, "Town Plan of Imola" All topographical features were drawn as if reflected on a single horizontal plane. This birds' eye view of a landscape is known as an ichnographic perspective, as opposed to the oblique, or side-on, perspective then used by most cartographers

Imola can claim a long association with racing. There was a Roman amphitheatre for gladiatorial chariot racing dating from 80 BC (or BCE if you are an aetheist). Initially promoted as a motor cycle venue, in 1952 Ascari tested a 340 from you know who. Nowadays, the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari (Ferrari’s base at Maranello and Torro Rosso’s/Scuderia AlphaTauri Faenz are close by) hosts both WEC and Fi events. In the distant past it was tainted by numerous incidents: Alboreto, Piquet, Berger, Barrichello, Ratzenberger, and most notably Senna at Tamburello.

After flirting under the nom de plume of San Marino GP, this year it hosts the F1 Circo i.e. the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix (17th April) at which point the fat lady will sing. A colleague who is a gastroenterologists has a gut feeling it will rain.

Aside from motor racing, when the Italians build a car they start with the Horn.

Harvard, once the temple of management theory (but not practice), would not recommend that a company that struggles to make a profit, has a burgeoning cost structure , over capacity in heavily unionised factories and a questionable image should avoid acquisitions that struggle to make a profit, have high costs, too much capacity in heavily unionised factories, and an unattractively image. Hello Fiat/PSA?

Ive just had the 2nd jab at which point the nurse practitioner said I should avoid all onerous household duties (washing up, hoovering, bed making, bin emptying etc) for at least 3 years. I should also avoid undue excitement so ….
Who am I to challenge modern medical wisdom.

Sheffield is to join modern European cities and ban from its streets any car that isn’t dented, uninsured and a MOT failure.

China. What is not to admire? More later, that is if you don’t unsubscribe.

I could never become Pope because I would lose my infallibility
Do you find that you can’t do the splits anymore?
A colleague reports that his wife was sleepwalking so he shoved a hoover in her hand.
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