Welcome to Older Morgans

Moderator: Andy Downes

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Andy Downes
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Welcome to Older Morgans

Post by Andy Downes »

Welcome to this space for ‘Older Morgans’ which we hope you will find interesting.

In this forum there’s no specific definition what constitutes an ‘Older Morgan’ save to say that there are a great many Morgans from the 1930s through to the 1980s and even the 1990s, that are not always represented on the internet - This forum is for any and all of those.

You may browse any Topics in the General section without signing in but...

I encourage you to;
  • Create an Account on here (it’s simple and straightforward)
  • Post comments in the Threads on things that interest you
  • Start new Topics if you don’t see what you like
You are also welcome to post in any of the Topics outside ‘Older Morgans’ including;
  • For Sale or Wanted
  • How do I ?
So dive in and I’m sure you’ll find it interesting

Have Fun 8-) 8-) 8-)
Andy Downes
machiel kalf
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Re: Welcome to Older Morgans

Post by machiel kalf »

Dear All,

Thanks to Andy to make a start with all of this. Thanks to Mary for a quick support!! The MHR made a start in July 2015. To be precise the the 18th. It was a very special day at the Visitors Center of the MMC. It was packed with around 90 people what was absolute fantastic. Now, 5 years later, we have over 900 older Morgans in the Register.

Do you like to register your car, please contact Ron Fermont at fba@zeelandnet.nl He is on holiday at the moment. Will be back from the 16th of July on.

I look forward to hear as many as possible response from all the owners of older Morgans. Do you have a nice story? Technical information, parts to sell, If you like to share that with all of us, we can publish it in the MHR-News in Miscellany.

wish you all the best, take care, stay safe,

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Mary Lindsay
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Re: Welcome to Older Morgans

Post by Mary Lindsay »

This is just what the BHP forum needed!
Thank you Andy for setting it up.
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