1951 Silverstone relay race

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ian cummings
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1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by ian cummings »

while looking for supersport info i can across these photo from the 1951 team relay race thought they may be of inteest to some on here!
1951-sliverstone.jpg (90.31 KiB) Viewed 10698 times
1951-sliverstone3.jpg (88.53 KiB) Viewed 10698 times
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Mary Lindsay
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by Mary Lindsay »

Great photos!
Thanks Ian.
I am sure someone will recognise that car.
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simon king
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by simon king »

An interesting find Ian.

From what I can see from Jake Alderson and Chris Chapman's 'Morgan Sports Cars - The early years' KKC 888 Standard-engined 4/4 4 Seater belonged to Stanley Dyke.

However, KKC 888 was not a member of the '51 Silverstone Relay Team? These were Jeff Sparrowe in the ex factory '38 Le Mans car, Bill Parkes (FNP 567), Bill Allerton (EAX 377) and John Sutton Atkins (FPE 567). I wondered if KKC was the 'spare' car but the number on the door of KKC doesn't tally with the other team cars (team 11). Puzzling. All becomes clearer when one jumps ahead a year and there we find that in '52 KKC 888 was part of a 6 man team including Jeff Sparrowe again but this time in JUO 177, Freddy Dyke (EJJ 63), John Sutton Atkins (FPE 567), Bill Parkes (FNP 567) and Graham Stallard (CAB 652).

It seems that the photo is therefore most likely from the 1952 Silverstone 6hr relay - where the team finished 13th overall.


ian cummings
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by ian cummings »

Simon, that would all seem to fit, I only had a guess at the year from the other photos they were with. i do have some notes that tell me KKC888 is chassis 1894.
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Bob Bull
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by Bob Bull »

The year is certainly not 1951, it is 1952, when you look at the names on the pits you can see Aston-Butterworth, Cooper-Alta. these were not around in 51, but were in 52 when Formula 1 became Formula 2.the names would have been left over from the Grand Prix. I was there!
Ace Photograp…… you know!
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Andy Downes
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by Andy Downes »

Good find Ian, and details Bob,

Well I'm certainly interested as the 6-hour Relay is pretty much 'in my blood'.

Perhaps you've seen my Birkett 6-hour Archive thread (which I see is long overdue and update). Your +4 SS gets a mention as does its former keeper !


Have Fun
Andy 8-) 8-) 8-)

PS - Perhaps Bob can regale us with tales of his trip to the 1952 Grand Prix :lol:
ian cummings
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by ian cummings »

thanks for the info Bob
Andy, it was your thread that brought me back to the forum. I believe Cyril (granddad) was involved with the 4/4 club team during the 50's but so far I've not found much in his notes.
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by Andy Downes »

ian cummings wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:44 pm I believe Cyril (granddad) was involved with the 4/4 club team during the 50's but so far I've not found much in his notes.
You're correct Ian, Cyril Charlesworth was very involved in the early days with competition and the 4/4 Club - I presume you know that one of the main MSCC Club Awards is named (possibly given by) him 'The Charlesworth Trophy'. As a past Awards Secretary I ought to remember exactly what it is for but I think it's for Trials, I'll have another dig around my files.

ian cummings
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by ian cummings »

yes Cyril & Joyce presented the trophy, a flat rad decanter, for best performance in a series 1.
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

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I won that once in the 1970s, mostly because I was the only person at the time competing in a Series One!
It was so lovely that I had a replica made.
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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by Andy Downes »

Thanks for the reminder - one of the nicest awards the MSCC has, Mary do you have a picture by any chance please ?

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Re: 1951 Silverstone relay race

Post by TonyLees »

Mary Lindsay wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:25 pm I won that once in the 1970s, mostly because I was the only person at the time competing in a Series One!
It was so lovely that I had a replica made.
Me too! (er, 80's) Same reason :)
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