Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

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Colin Bray
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Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by Colin Bray »

I am restoring a pre-war Morgan 4/4 and have just started work on the bonnet. The hinge is in pretty bad shape and it makes sense to replace it with a new one. However, the 1936/37 4/4s used a rather unusual type of hinge. The 1938/39 4/4s used a piano hinge but I want to keep the car original and use the correct hinge. I've attached a couple of photos/drawings found on the internet showing what it is like. Basically one side of the hinge slides inside the tube of slightly larger diameter on the other bonnet half. The postwar Morgans used a curved chrome strip that each side of the bonnet slid into.

Interestingly, Ford pick-ups and trucks from 1937-39 and the Chevrolet Master/Standard pick-up and trucks from 1934/35 used the same design of hinge. However, neither are long enough, I need about 40 inches long. Would anyone out there know of any other car or truck that used this type of hinge and whether it is available? I've contacted the places that sell these hinges for the Ford and Chevrolet but they source them from a company in Taiwan and they say they cannot supply a longer one.

Colin Bray

Morgan hinge 2.jpg
Morgan hinge 2.jpg (5.73 KiB) Viewed 13568 times
Morgan hinge 1.jpg
Morgan hinge 1.jpg (21.06 KiB) Viewed 13568 times
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Re: Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by TonyLees »

Colin Bray
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Re: Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by Colin Bray »

Unfortunately all the data on this webpage is for modern postwar Morgans. this type of hinge only seems to have been used in 1936 and 1937 and was replaced with type that had a chrome strip down the centre line of the bonnet where each bonnet side slid into - as used on all post-war Morgans.
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Mark Shears
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Re: Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by Mark Shears »

Thanks for letting us know Colin.

I know the sort of hinge you mean - similar to that on W.O Bentleys...

That's a thought. What about contacting one of the Bentley specialists?

Something to think about over Christmas!

Have a good one!


Colin Bray
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Re: Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by Colin Bray »

Hi Mark, I haven't checked brakehorsepower for a year but checked back in this evening. Just to let you know I managed to get someone to repair the original hinge, not an easy job. the car has been in the paint shop since mid June...... Now rebuilding the Coventry Climax engine has produced some problems.
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Bob Bull
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Re: Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by Bob Bull »

Colin, don't worry about things, most Morgan drivers are in-hinged in my experience. :D
Ace Photograp…… you know!
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Mark Shears
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Re: Hinge for pre-war Morgan 4/4

Post by Mark Shears »

Hi Colin,

Good to hear from you again - and I know how long these restorations can take from my own experience...

I am just nearing the end after nearly 4 years of the full rebuild of my 1952 Plus 4 Flat rad.

It might be worth repeating your post about the Distributor Drive problem in this Series 1 heading...

Have a great Christmas 2016!


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