Wheel for Serie I

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machiel kalf
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Wheel for Serie I

Post by machiel kalf »

Dear Morgan friends,

In Holland Serie I is under restauration. The team (father & son) who does the job asked me: Please, do you know where to find a wheel for the car we are working on? It must be a 17"wheel.
Look forward to your response,

Machiel Kalf
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simon king
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Re: Wheel for Serie I

Post by simon king »

Hi Machiel,

I assume the 'Team' are looking for a 17" Easi-clean type wheel? That being the case, and knowing how difficult they are to find having got my Series 1 finished this year I wish them good luck! Not only are they difficult to track down there's also plenty of others similarly looking. They do turn up though of course from time to time so my advice would be to just keep looking (ebay, pre-war car, miscellany, etc ).

Given they're so difficult to find and how many people seem to be looking it's a shame the MSCC don't support Series 1 owners and get a batch made. When I was still looking I mentioned it to George Proudfoot and he did say he was going to look into it. That was about a year ago now so it would be interesting to find out if anything further happened. I know there are companies out there that could make them it's just the initial tooling cost that seems to be the issue and would require a reasonable number to be made.


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Re: Wheel for Serie I

Post by TonyLees »

simon king wrote: it's a shame the MSCC don't support Series 1 owners and get a batch made.
Agreed - I could do with some too.
Most of the existing ones are "out of true" to some extent.
I once found a brand new one at a Three Wheeler Club do - no one wanted it so it was a bargain.
The standard version is somewhat under-specced for, er, "sporting use" so if a batch were made they could be beefed up a bit.
machiel kalf
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Re: Wheel for Serie I

Post by machiel kalf »

Dear Tony and Simon,

The experiences you mentioned are 100% correct. Yes, it's shame that the MSCC is "slow" with making steps. There are subjects "underway"............ I did several proposals to the officers. Nothing happend, not even a message with: Sorry, but we don't see a way to realise it......... But, from what I understand "some" are very keen on making more money in the club.

I found a wheel! Terry Foxen, who else, had one for sale. In January the Dutch owner of the Serie I is traveling to Terry's to pick it up.

Thanks for your repespnse!!

Merry X-Mas, Machiel.
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simon king
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Re: Wheel for Serie I

Post by simon king »

Well done Machiel for finding that wheel!

I spoke with George Proudfoot tonight. He's hopeful, all things being well, to be able to start looking at wheels next year (2015). The current project, Head gaskets for Coventry Climax engines, is drawing to a conclusion and then he can focus on wheels (17" Easi-cleans & I think the fifties +4 steel wheels).

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Mark Shears
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Re: Wheel for Serie I

Post by Mark Shears »

Now that would be good news for all Series 1 and later disc wheeled Morgan owners.

Keep me in the loop Simon...


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Re: Wheel for Serie I

Post by TonyLees »

+1 :)
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